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Results in detail


Supportive Partners

Supportive WWViews partners are organizations contributing to the WWViews-project in a variety of ways and with different forms of know-how and expertise.



Letters of Support:



Verle Vandeweerd


United Nations Development Program welcomes the WWViews initiative

Read UNDP letter of support





Erik Solheim

The Norwegian Minister of the Environment and International Development has joined the WWViews alliance as supportive partner.

The ministry of Foreign Affairs is providing economic support to the WWViews event in low-income countries.


Read the Minister's letter of support here

Read about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs here




Ulla Tørnæs


Danish Minister for Development Cooperation

Read letter of support





Klaus Bondam

Mayor of the Technical and Environmental Administration, City of Copenhagen

Read letter of support

Watch video clip on climate change and WWViews






Steen Gade

Danish MP and Chairman of The Environment and Regional Planning Committee and former Director of the Danish EPA.

Read letter of support






Dan Jørgensen


Member of the European Parliament as well as the Temporary Committeeon Climate Change and vice-president of the committee on Environment, Public Healh and Food Safety

Read letter of support





Green Cross Denmark


Green Cross Denmark has joined the WWViews project as a supportive partner.


Letter of Support








The European Parliament's committee for Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) has joined the WWViews as a Supportive Partner


STOA's homepage
STOA Letter of Support.pdf



In-kind contributions:



UN Association of Finland


The UN Association of Finland has joined the WWViews Alliance as a supportive partner. The UN Association will work to disseminate the results from the WWViews meetings.

Contact: Jenni Kauppila





  People's Climate Action


PCA has supported WWViews first of all by managing funds from the Danish Ministry of Foreign affairs, from which we have also had benefit. Furthermore, PCA has been, and is still, an advicer on media relations. 


Contact: Janne Aagaard





Master Media


Master Media has joined WWViews as a supportive partner, producing four carefully designed video films providing citizens with balanced information on climate change.


Contact: Peter Clausen


The following organisations and companies have sponsored and contributed to the production of these information videos:


Rockwool (Danish or English website)


DHI group




World of Greenland




Developing the WWViews Partner Network




The Loka Institute


From The Loka Institute Founder and Senior Fellow mr. Richard Sclove and Professor and Chair Mr. Richard Worthington have joined the WWViews as  Supportive Partners, helping the alliance to grow and to secure funding.


Letter of Support

The Loka Institute

Richard Sclove's profile at alteich.com



Richard E. Sclove

Richard Worthington







Ben Twinomugisha


Ben Twinomugisha has joined the WWViews as a Supportive Partner, helping to establish a network of partners in East Africa with countries such as Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi.

Contact: Ben Twinomugisha







CARE Denmark


CARE Denmark has joined the WWViews as a Supportive Partner


CARE Denmark's homepage

Read letter of support

Contact: Rolf Hernø






RIBIos has joined the WWViews as a Supportive Partner, helping to establish a network of partners in french-speaking West-African countries like Burkino Faso, Senegal, Niger, Mali, and Benin.




Contact: Barbara Bodogna

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WWViews, c/o Teknologirådet

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Phone: +45 33320503






The Danish Board of Technology - winner of ’The Jim Creighton Award’ 2010 for: random selection, deliberative processes, innovation and creative approaches, international reach and courage in public participation.

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